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Eurythmy West Midlands StageGroup

Explore the World of Performance & Art

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“It was all so magical. Watching the movement and seeing such a professional ensemble of
eurythmists was hugely exciting…"


Maren Stott / eurythmy, concept Geoffrey Norris / speech artist, director Alan Stott / piano, coach John Watson / lighting design The concept: for this solo-programmme began with the search for the source of inspiration in the word itself: the search for gessture, music an tone-colour in poetry. What motivates the poet and the composer? What is their creative path, faced with the life-situations at the beginning of the last century till today. The programme: itself is arranged as a conversation between speech, music and eurythmy. A waking-dream landscape appears as we progress through tensions and resolutions, through humour and the deeply serious - which are often hardly seperable. We are led out of the depths of the sea on to the dry land - from the question of insecurity to that of the artist (for us all?) - What is reality? Do not beauty, ambiguity and humour, just as interest, compassion and environmental questions belong to our full human existence, faced with everything that would threaten to deny, fix or destroy? The English language with its non-inflected freedoms, its openess to what lives unspoken between the words themselves, offers particular possibilities to express this playful element in Life. The innovative music of Debussy provides an ideal commentary. The art of eurythmy - a language of gesture and movement - attemps to extend experience. By researching in movement the nuts and bolts of poetry and music, eurythmy can bring before, and with, your eyes what your ears deeply perceive For more information: Maren aand Alan Stott
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Who We Are

Since 2000, Eurythmy West Midlands StageGroup is based at Glasshouse Arts Centre in Stourbridge. Its wide range of quality productions are rehearsed there and taken on tour throughout the UK, Europe and Asia. As a Performing Arts Group, we believe in engaging with the community and embracing the talents of our aspiring artists. Our goal is to offer audiences a chance to experience a large variety of unique and unforgettable perfomances. 

Get in Touch

Locally Owned

Eurythmy West Midlands stage group regularly performs for the students of Glasshouse College and interacts with their drama productions.
The local community enjoys performances ranging from the beauty of thought provoking poetry and stirring music to hilarious humorous entertainment.
Especially our family shows of exciting stories is enjoyed by children and adults alike and can be seen regularly as part of the Spring and Autumn Fair at the Ruskin Centre. 

Telephone: +44 (0)1384-442 563 • Email:

 Glasshouse Arts Centre, Wollaston Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands, United Kingdom, DY8 4HF

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